Wednesday, April 23, 2008

End of a Legacy

Ramses, the UNC mascot, has been replaced by...Ramses' son Pablo. We had the pleasure of meeting Ramses at a Democratic party fundraiser (I snuck in) that was held at the farmhouse where Ramses lives.

I guess since his son is named Pablo, his mother must've been Hispanic, which means that we the people of Hispaniola are getting closer at taking over the US of A.

Note: the N&O story is not PG13 or vegetarian friendly as it talks about someone eating a ram.


Natalie said...

Mmmmmm. Ram Sandwich. I can't wait to see the traffic you get from that one.

Nate M. said...

I can't believe somebody killed Ramses. That's just wrong. How had I never heard that story before?

Natalie said...

You know it had to be a stupid Dookie.

Nate M. said...

Actually, I'd predict a state fan. (Sorry Steph)

Nate M. said...

Oh no. It's become worse.

Aaron said...

A case of ram fatricide. Oedipus Rex anyone?