Saturday, June 21, 2008

Legally Speaking, Duke Sucks

If there was any doubt about how much dook sucks, especially in the football field just read this article.

Let it be known that the courts agree that dook blows.


Nate M. said...

I saw this. Hilarious. But the best part was the judge's written decision:

"At oral argument, Duke [with a candor perhaps more attributable to good legal strategy than to institutional modesty] persuasively asserted that this is a threshold that could not be any lower."

I appreciate that he recognizes the lack of institutional modesty here or anywhere else.

Did you catch that game last night? Fedex delivers!

Natalie said...

Fedex delivered big time. He continued to struggle tonight, although Flack came through HUGE. I hope we continue to get just enough offense to win.

Oh, and Ackley is a BEAST.

Nate M. said...

I'm gonna' assume that Natalie was logged in when you checked your blog. Either that or she is REALLY getting into Carolina baseball.

Yeah, Flack's home run tonight was even more dramatic than FedEx's slam last night, and no doubt, Ackley is the best hitter ever to wear Carolina blue (B.J. Surhoff and Brian Roberts, included). And don't forget White. Wow. Just wow.

I actually like UNC's chances tomorrow if Warren pitches decently. Of course, the staff would be totally spent for the championship series, but I guess one can worry about that if it happens.

mainou said...

Oops, I guess I forgot log Nat off last night.

I agree about White, he has been awesome. I think the entire pitching staff has been really good. I mean, they haven't shot down anyone, but c'mon, this is college ball, you can't shot down anyone.

I really do think anything is possible now. I thought beating Fresno St. twice was going to be a tall order, but they have pulled off two amazing wins and anything is possible now.

I sure hope that Federowicz can pull out of his 3 year slump. They showed his Omaha numbers for the last 3 seasons, and short of that Grand Slam they have been not very good.

Oh, and one last note, did you know Colin Bates is from Naperville?

Nate M. said...

I think I may have heard at one point that Bates was from Naperville, but I'd certainly forgotten it.

I hope you get ESPN Classic. I think we have to head out to watch the game tonight.

By the way, am I remembering correctly? Didn't you move a year ago yesterday?

mainou said...

We do get ESPN classic and yes we moved a year ago. Crazy how fast time goes by. Next thing you know we'll be at the OBX with you guys.

mainou said...

Pretty disappointing end to the season, especially against a Fresno St. team that lost 27 games during the season. The guys had a nice run, but it stinks to go out like that.

Unknown said...

Didn't get to see it. We had thunderstorms, and I didn't feel like going out. Listened to parts of it on the radio. When Warren couldn't throw a strike, I suspected it wasn't going to turn out very well.