Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Friday afternoon I had my four wisdom teeth removed. My top 2 wisdom teeth were fully out, and judging by the pain since, came out without much of a fight. My bottom left tooth, was poking out about a third of the way and my right one was coming at a 90 degree angle. As such, the place where my bottom two teeth used to be have been slower in healing, but at day 4 post surgery, I think I am moving in the right direction to full recovery. With my medical checkup coming up Friday morning, I think the top 4 things I will remember from my wisdom tooth surgery are:

1. Vomiting on the way home after the surgery. Since I had fasted since the night before, the vomit was all clear except for the gausses that had been wedged in my mouth and a bit of blood that came along for the ride. I am blaming the anesthesia in combination with a hot car ride.

2. Foreshadowing to Nat taking care of me when I am old and sick. My lovely wife took great care of me by making me lots of milkshakes and beverages, grabbing my meds, making soft foods, tending to me, and keeping me company.

3. Watching the Food Network on Saturday night was incredibly painful. Let's just say that when you cannot eat but soft foods, a TV show about BBQ sandwiches, fried chicken, etc. is incredibly painful to watch.

4. Playing lots of Xbox. As I was to limit my physical activity, I decided to spend a good chunk of my weekend playing Call of Duty 4 and Madden 08 on my Xbox 360. It was a great reminder that even though I am 28, I can still act like a 10 year old every now and again.


Nate M. said...

Glad you got through the surgery without too much trouble.

mainou said...

I felt like I had been doing well in recouping and then I had a pretty bad evening yesterday. Oh well.

Nate M. said...

I had a lot of trouble when mine were removed, and then, I had some issues about a month after the surgery. They had to open up my wounds, go back in, and clean it out. Not fun at all.

mainou said...

That second part about having to open you up again scares the crap out of me.

Nate M. said...

I think it's pretty rare. I wouldn't worry too much.