Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Going Bananas

I like bananas. They are very much portable, tasty, a good source of potassium and other vitamins, and fairly inexpensive. If you are like me, you would be bummed if bananas went missing at the grocery store. This may actually happen. Dan Koeppel wrote a book, and a very interesting piece in the NY Times about bananas.

When growing up I was a very picky eater, but I always found bananas to be good eats. In Mexico, my mother would frequently buy these little bananas called "Dominicos." They kind of look like the little bananas on the right of this picture. Nowadays, Nat and I frequently supplement our daily work lunches with an apple, a banana, and a yogurt. I wonder what we would eat otherwise if the bananas went missing?


Natalie said...

This would be a tragedy of monumental proportions

Nate M. said...

I didn't eat bananas for about 10 years. For whatever reason, I couldn't stand the thought of eating a banana. Then, one day, I started eating them again. Now, I probably eat about 10 bananas a month. Let's definitley take care of the bananas.

Aaron said...

I like bananas too. My boy and I eat 10 - 20 bananas between us in a month. We eat a lot of yogurt and mandarin oranges too.

mainou said...

My vote goes for Clementines in the citrus world. We have gotten some from Spain that are unreal.

As for bananas, we must eat over 40 between Nat and I a month.