Tuesday, March 4, 2008

He [the king of the cheaters] is a classy guy

When I think of a class act I always think of this guy before anyone else. Then again, would a class act say this about his player smashing his elbow on an opposing player's face? And defend a player that stomped on a defender's chest? Again, when thinking classy guys and classy institution shouldn't we always refer to dook first?

But seriously, if you wanted to have one guy teach your kid about how to behave in and out of the court, I think THIS GUY is really your guy. No, really, he is your guy. The guy won't even curse in front of your kids.


I saw this in the quotes from Roy's weekly radio show and it cracked me up:

On the team's superstitions -
"I've gotten a lot better - I'm better than I used to be. I used to be really superstitious and I guess I still am compared to most people. I walked today, found a penny that was head up and I put it in my pocket. At North Carolina State I found a penny during the day and a quarter in State's locker room. ... There are a lot of silly things that we do. Steve Robinson goes into the locker room during pregame warmups at the 13:00 mark ... If I wear a new suit or new tie and we get beat, you ain't ever going to see me wear that at another basketball game ... We've got all kinds of little crazy stuff. Never get a haircut on game day. With the Olympic Team, Larry Brown and Greg Popavich got a haircut on game day and we lost to Germany in an exhibition game and I told them it was their fault."


Nate M. said...

I'm headed to the game tonight, Q's last in the Smith Center. It's a once in a lifetime chance to see Surry Wood start for the Heels.

mainou said...

I hope we trounce them so that the bench guys can get some PT at the end of the game.