Saturday, March 8, 2008

Let the Games Begin

With all that has happened to the UNC community on the days after the Eve Carson murder, it is hard to think about the UNC-dook game. Yet, the insatiable beast of time does not but slow down a bit, just a wee bit, just enough for us to gather our thoughts before it demands that we keep moving along. As such, there will be a brief moment of silence prior to tonight's game to honor Eve and to show the support of us as a community to her family and friends. I hope we can all use that small moment to honor Eve and to honor those around us that in present and past help us become better human beings. I also hope that we all use this brief moment of silence to reflect upon ourselves and find a way to continue the work of Eve Carson. I hope in her death our community grows stronger and learn to give back to those around us with as much abandon as she did.

And once that moment of silence is done, I do hope we beat dook. I hope.

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