Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Flop

In part two of the weekly series on [cheating] dookies we have the highly entertaining Greg "Tea Bag" Paulus. Greg's biggest accomplishment was helping UNC lure his little brother to play QB at the Chapel on the Hill. For that, Greg, we thank you.


Nate M. said...

I had forgotten about this. It's absolutely hilarious. No one can watch that and honestly say that duke doesn't flop. I mean, c'mon... that should be a technical foul.

And FWIW, after Mike Paulus sat in the duke section and cheered for duke at the game in the Smith Center, well... let's just say that I'm a bigger T.J. Yates fan than I used to be.

mainou said...

I had not heard about Mike's antics. he should have his scholarship withdrawn.

Aaron said...

That was the most pathetic attempt at drawing a charge I've ever seen! He barely drew any contact. The refs shoulda called a blocking foul or threw tomatoes at him. Something.

I liked the laugh track though.

Nate M. said...

It's actually a lot worse than just barely drawing contact. First, I'd argue that he starts falling when the guy is still a stride away. Second, the player veers to Paulus' right, and yet, Paulus falls as if he received contact on his left. If there's any contact at all, it was brushing his right shoulder.

What is amazing is how much duke does this, and how often they still draw charges. Seriously. If I'm a ref and I see that clip, I'm going to have second thoughts on the next block/charge.