Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Some Mexicans...

Sometimes when you see one of your fellow countrymen do something absolutely, positively dumb you just shake your head and say: "Why couldn't you be Nicaraguan." This guy thought taking a shortcut in a fairly popular marathon was a good idea. I mean, did someone forget to tell him that the little box attached to his shoe was an electronic tracking device that would figure out if he took a short-cut during the race? I also hope that the picture in the story is not the clothing he wore during the race.

Oddly enough his last name-Madrazo-is vulgar slang for taking a hard hit, as I am sure this guy and his family is about to take.

Oh and my favorite all time Mexican screwup is this guy.


Aaron said...

Good Lord! Cheating during a marathon is bad but desecrating a memorial like that is despicable. They're lucky they weren't beaten to death by a crowd of angry Frenchmen.

mainou said...

Im not sure what happened to the dude.

Nate M. said...

Wow. Just wow.