Monday, September 29, 2008

In case you missed it...

Monday, September 29th turned out to be Black Monday, in part driven by the House of Representatives voting down the bailout plan for the financial sector. The vote, 205 for and 228 against can be seen here. Of interest, all Republican 7 GA House reps. voted against the bill, whereas in Arkansas, 6 of 7 House reps (both Democrat and Republican), voted for the bill. In the end, the numbers fell as follows:

Dems: 140
GOP: 65

Dems: 95
GOP: 133

While I am not well enough educated on the subject to say if I am for or against the the bailout plan, I am fairly certain I am confused if this is a Republican initiative or a Democratic one. I know George W. Bush keeps on pushing for the plan, and so is the Democratic Senate leader Dianne Deinstein. Then again, this sure smells like a compromise by both parties, yet it appears by the voting that the GOP has agreed to not compromise. Whatever the case the Standard and Poor's index took the biggest dive since I was in 1st grade, 1987.

Hopefully the rest of the week will go better for all involved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's actually a bit reassuring to see something not break down on party lines for once.

As for the bailout itself, I agree that it's really hard to know.