Friday, August 1, 2008

Lesson of the Day

I have been eating corn on the cob the same way since I can remember. That is, I douse the cob in lemon or lime, add a pinch of salt, and finish it off with a healthy sprinkle of chili powder. Today, I learned that chili powder and red pepper (cayenne) are not one and the same. While you can add a bunch of chili powder to the cob and not feel much of the heat, if you add a heap of cayenne you will be asking your dearest wife why it is so damn hot in the room and why is your mouth on fire. That said, I kind of liked the cayenne.


Nate M. said...

You just need to wear some of those shorts your wife was blogging about, and then, you'll be able to handle the heat a little better!

Aaron said...

I was making chili a few years ago and ran out of chili powder so I used extra cayenne red pepper. I thought the chili was great that night. It was just hot enough to make my nose run but not hot enough to be painful. My wife wanted to kill me though.