Saturday, September 1, 2007

Burn baby, burn!

What happens if you grab a bottle of very hot agar with a paper towel and you stupidly swirl it to make sure that it has all melted?

Even better than the huge blister was getting a phone call from our neighbor to let me know that the old owner of the house, the racist ones that live down the street, are complaining about the look of our new fence. Apparently the lattice atop the old fence does not qualify as visually pleasing to her so she is thinking about sending an "anonymous" complaint to the home owner's association. I have not seen the by laws but I sure hope that they can tell me exactly what a pretty fence is supposed to look like.


stephanie said...

Wow, you have had a heck of a day. The sting of a burn countered by the sting of a judgmental neighbor! Every burn I have ever had was due to a stupid decision on my part. And, I think that you should capitalize on this opportunity with the neighbors - you know, stir things up a little. Two things come to mind: 1) vocalizing something much, much worse to other neighbors so they become content with what is already there, or 2) having Natalie tell your racist buddy that she dislikes it too but has to respect what you wanted as it is part of your Mexican culture...he stuck his foot in his mouth and couldn't challenge that again, right?

Nate M. said...

Maybe you should give them an anonymous note saying that racists shouldn't be allowed in the neighborhood.

Aaron said...

I think you should put a burning bag of Phoebe poop on their front porch.

Yes, I called the sh-t "poop".