Monday, July 16, 2007

Missing Carolina?

I had been thinking about saving this post for later in the week, but since I am actually waiting for some work stuff to finish up (first non-reading activity at the new lab!) I figured I would try to put something out.

Saturday night Natalie and I went out for dinner to a nice Asian restaurant (Basil Asian Bistro) after our painting party. While we were waiting for our entrees we were talking about the move from Carolina. Specifically we were talking about whether we were home sick at all. We both came to the quick conclusion that even though we miss our friends from home, and certain aspects from living in Carolina (Maple View Ice Cream, the country side, life sans traffic, soon to be basketball, etc.) for the most part we have felt at home in Nashville.

One aspect of that has helped the transition to our new digs has been how busy we have been. From the get-go we have been flooded with house projects and really have not had time to sit down and think about Carolina. Also, having each other, the girls and Emmitt has helped immensely in that you always have someone to talk to or scream at when they are eating the left-over pancakes off the counter (I plead the 5th!). Finally, there has been work. While it has been slow for both of us science-wise as expected, we have both been able to get out of the house and interact with our new labs.

Nevertheless, if any of you are planning on making a trip out this way, we'd love to see you. Oh, and don't forget to bring with you some Allen and Son's BBQ and some Maple View Ice-cream.


Nate M. said...

I think that happy people tend to find happiness.

Of course, some folks really seem tied to one particular place and struggle to find joy anywhere else. Sometimes, I think that their problem is that they won't let two places have different sets of assetts.

Aaron said...

I've lived in Texas and Missouri but, oddly enough, found myself missing Illinois after awhile. Kim and I lived in St. Louis for two years and we loved it but when I thought about starting a family I found myself wanting to do it closer to where I grew up and around cornfields.

Kim thinks I'm weird because I missed cornfields when we lived in St. Louis. She always thinks they look so desolate in the winter but I like the promise of growing green things those cold, empty fields hold as the cold ass winds blow across them in January.

Natalie said...

Yeah, ah, there are many things I miss about Blacksburg, there are many things I miss about Chapel Hill, but the ONLY things I miss about Pittsburgh are my family and Ikea.

Anonymous said...

I think your problem is that you have not found the place that fits you completely. I have enjoyed living in Denver and North Carolina, but Fort Collins will always be the best.....of coarse that could also be heavily dependant on the quality of beer outside of Ft. Collins. The true test would be to move into a brewery itself!

mainou said...

Maybe you should move into a fermenting tank.

stephanie said...

I am truly happy that you guys feel like Nashville is home. I also think that picking up and moving somewhere new where you don't know anyone is exhilirating. But, I miss having you guys around, so I think I will just tell myself that you are very homesick for Carolina.